HSE Confirms Over 100 Beds Planned for Mount Carmel Hospital
I welcome the news this week that when fully redeveloped Mount Carmel Hospital will provide over 100 community hospital beds. The information came in a letter from HSE Director General, Tony O’Brien, after I requested clarification on plans for the hospital’s development.
The HSE has confirmed to me that Mount Carmel Hospital will initially provide 65 short stay beds which will afford step down support to patients ready to leave a number of hospitals. The 65 beds, which will help ease current difficulties in A&E departments, are expected to come on stream in late March to early April.
The HSE also informed me that the building will need some capital investment to bring it up to the proper standard and make best use of the available space. They have advised that the necessary works are expected to be finished in approximately 18 months to two years.
The development of Mount Carmel is very welcome. Plans for at least 100 extra beds will help ease the pressure and overcrowding of emergency departments and will be of specific benefit to older people. I warmly welcome this excellent news which is a further sign of the progressive use of public funds to meet the needs of our community.
I would be interested in a job as i worked in mount carmel hospital for 14 years before it closed hoping to hear from you.
Dear Ms Dooley
I understand that Mowlam Healthcare are recruiting for positions at the new facility at Mount Carmel. You will details of the positions at:
Kind regards