Ever had a bad hair day?

One of the talking points in my electoral campaigns over the years has been hair.  Many people reach middle age and face a hair shortage.  I, on the other hand, have volumes of it.  It grows like wildfire and can be very recalcitrant.   Keeping it in check is sometimes a full-time job.   A couple of weeks ago, I was on television commenting on the implosion of Brian Cowen’s regime.  Many of the comments I received afterwards made some covert or overt reference to my hair.  My wife asked me why I had brought a toilet brush into studio with me. Others suggested that my hair formed a kind of halo around my head.   Not wishing to be thought of as St. Alex it was straight down to  the hairdressers for not so much a trim, as a major cutback!.  The hair (yes, it is spoken of in the third person from time to time) is sitting back in place again temporarily but no doubt, I will have to get it seen to again before Election Day.